Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall Nostalgia

It never seems to fail that every year when the summer comes to a close and the first cool breeze of the season blows in, I get nostalgic. And even though, until tomorrow, it's still technically August, this past week has been like the perfect September. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year and I ALWAYS get wrapped up in nostalgia...over things like back to school--when everyone else returns to campus after summer session is over, shopping with all my girlfriends for the perfect homecoming dress, watching my crush play in the first high school football game of the season, trick-or-treating no matter what--rain, shine, or sleet, all of my countless birthday parties filled with all of the friends I've met along the way. I think the last birthday party I had was my Sweet Sixteen, one that I'm sure my poor mother would like to forget.

But today the overwhelming nostalgia I felt was for holding Anna Jane when she was just a tiny little newborn. The cool air brought on this vivid memory of her at probably 8 weeks old...she was wearing this cute knit pink hat, Bengals jersey onesie, and little tan corduroy pants. It was a gorgeous October day, a lot like today, just cooler...and obviously a Sunday cause the Bengals were playing. After cheering them on for a bit, I strapped her into the Baby Bjorn and we went for a long walk down Lincoln Ave, just the two of us. She was so happy that day, those big brown eyes just taking it all much to learn. If only now I could just have 5 minutes in that moment again...

Today she moved into the early preschool class and everyday I watch her become more and more independent, more and more confident, become more and more a little girl. Almost daily, I tell myself, remember everything about this right her face looks, what her voice sounds like, hold her as much as she'll let you and enjoy her every moment...because soon she'll be thinking the same about her own children.

In the meatime, as they are busy growing, we can enjoy reliving some of the things that bring on our own nostalgia. It's one of the greatest things about being a parent...the halloween costumes we're picking out just aren't for us anymore.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Top 5 Signs That You're Bored

5. You just ate 2 Bagelfuls...but skillfully removed all of the cream cheese first.

4. You find yourself watching and engrossed in the most horrendous show to ever air on television..."More To Love"

3. You consider going to bed at 8pm - and you consider taking work material with you to read for fun.

2. You find yourself Facebook stalking your own page.

1. You turn on the Wii.

hahahaha...what happened to me tonight???

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When It Rains...We Party!!

Well Anna had her "purple party" at the spray park and it was cold, windy and it rained and it poured...and it rained some more. Despite the weather, everyone made it out and I think the kids had a little bit of fun....

Anna's Purple Princess Cake...isn't she cute???

The kids got in a little fun before the weather totally went downhill...

The wind was blowing all the centerpieces around...this is a hodge podge of what was salvagable!!

My poor poor Pom Poms...not only are these not cheap, they have to be assembled!! It took 4 of us 2 hours the night before to assemble these...that's 8 man hours of hard labor (thank you mom and Kim)! They just melted in the rain...

The wind kept blowing the match out...

The birthday girl is having fun...that's all that matters!

At least there's still lots of smiles....

and yummy cake...

Do you see my sad little pom lying in the puddle in the corner?? uh huh, yea.

But all that mattered was good company....and hmmm, good cake!

Anna sported her purple "3" dress to match...

and all the kiddies went home with a purple cookie...

Later at home, we warm up and the fun continues...

hmmmm, that was good!!

The best part...Anna opens her presents!!

The Birthday Girl!

What a fun day!

but...if only it had been like the day before...GORGEOUS...

Maybe we'll try the spray park again next year..and leave the poms at home!! :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Leavin' On A Jet Plane

Hello! I know I've been so MIA, but August has been crazy! Orlando, then Michigan then Seattle. Tonight Anna asked me who daddy and I visited in Seattle...well, no one...but this is what we did do!...

Nick, Nicole, Fred & Barb (if you happen to be reading this)...thank you, thank you, thank you!

So, what did I think of Seattle? I loved's the perfect combination of outback living with fine dining and all of the luxuries of the big city. ahhh, such a great trip...

ok, so I have lots of cute pics of the girls from michigan, anna's party, etc...coming soon! stay tuned.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Anna's Having A Party...And I think Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night!

My BFF Katie recently said that "I Gotta A Feeling" by Fergie and the gang just makes her feel good! I have to agree with her. You can't help but make a fool of yourself in the car when it comes on the radio...and it's one of those songs that makes you jump right to the dance floor when you're at a bar and the DJ starts spinning it. Another of my all time faves that just makes me feel good is "Forever" by the all controversial C Brown.....but whatever, I still love it.

So, turn up your computer speakers and join the party!!

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