Sunday, May 31, 2009

Let Me Try This Again...Mini Road Warriors

**Whoopsy!! Please ignore my last post--I somehow hit publish...dunno how, but I did. Anyway, here's the post complete:

I am just so excited for spring and summer this year! I've come to the conclusion because of the weather in Chicago, spring is NOT the ultimate time to have a baby. Everyone says, oh, that's so'll have the summer....yadayadayada. So, ya, I thought May was going to be the perfect month to have a baby and that we were so fortunate that timing worked out according to our meant no hyperthermal internal pregnancy thermometer in the dead of summer and nice long walks with the baby in July. WRONG! Having also had an August baby, I've come to realize that I much preferred getting through the summer preggers and having a newborn in the fall. Why?....

The midwest humidity just makes it too darn miserable for a newborn baby to be outside for too long, so last summer was no fun at all. We were stuck inside almost every single day...if we didn't get ourselves out the door by 8am, forget it....too hot! I tried and tried. We did play groups every Tuesday at 11am at local parks...misery. I tried taking her for walks in the Quinny with her car seat attachment in just a onesie...nope, too much. So, then I'd try using the bassinet attachment on the twin stroller...absolutely no ventilation, so even worse!! And of course, there's always the Bjorn...misery for us both when it's 85+ outside. It never failed...each time we'd get home my poor Align Centerlittle Josie would be soaking wet head to toe and beat red. So then I'd worry myself sick until she cooled down and her color returned to normal!! In contrast, A few short weeks after Anna was born, September came...the weather was perfect and we were outside all the time.

But, this got it, no sweat away little ones! Well, today on our way home from Wildberry (best brunch place around) we spotted a bunch of happy little ones being pulled in those little trailer thingys that attach to your bike. You know, the ones that look like little traveling tents with a big orange flag sticking up over the top?? You know, like this:

So, yep, we ran right out and bought one! Then we pumped up the bike tires that had been unused for over 3 years and went for a spin! The girls LOVED it and throughout our entire ride, I kept hearing Anna's little voice behind me say "mommy, I like this"!! Here are a few pics of our little road warriors...

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Jenn said...

Having had kids at the same time I absolutely agree! I loved being prego in the summer, having a newborn all summer was a different story. Esp in NC heat!

Marcy B. said...

so fun, i'll have to try that out next summer when lyla can enjoy it!!! I have to agree though that it's been a bit miserable and i worry a ton about her over heating....esp at night too!