Thursday, July 2, 2009

Celebrating Freedom

This quote by Adlai Stevenson just seemed fitting for July and I just love it! These days it feels as if we are just moving away from these fundamental principles that our country was founded on. How can a government be responsible while walking down the road to socialism....when it's magnitude encompasses control over the private sector, auto industry and healthcare? How can we reach true equality when we accept and ignore racial slurs towards those in the so-called majority? And without equality and small government, how can we truly be free? One of the truest blessings of my life is the fact that I was simply born an American and I will always stand by the terms that I believe define us as a country....freedom and independence.

So on to celebrating our Independence! What is everyone doing? We just got home from a fun family trip to Tennessee where we spent lots of time in the pool and riding in Papa & Nana's boat! Now we're back home resting up for our fun filled weekend! Here's a sneak pic of our vacay:


Kimmy said...

Glad you all had fun!! I love all the pictures!! Have a happy and safe 4th!

Love you....

Kim - The TomKat Studio said...

Looks like you had a fabulous time! Enjoy the 4th with your beautiful family! Keep an eye out for your "package" mid week next week! :)