Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When It Rains...We Party!!

Well Anna had her "purple party" at the spray park and it was cold, windy and it rained and it poured...and it rained some more. Despite the weather, everyone made it out and I think the kids had a little bit of fun....

Anna's Purple Princess Cake...isn't she cute???

The kids got in a little fun before the weather totally went downhill...

The wind was blowing all the centerpieces around...this is a hodge podge of what was salvagable!!

My poor poor Pom Poms...not only are these not cheap, they have to be assembled!! It took 4 of us 2 hours the night before to assemble these...that's 8 man hours of hard labor (thank you mom and Kim)! They just melted in the rain...

The wind kept blowing the match out...

The birthday girl is having fun...that's all that matters!

At least there's still lots of smiles....

and yummy cake...

Do you see my sad little pom lying in the puddle in the corner?? uh huh, yea.

But all that mattered was good company....and hmmm, good cake!

Anna sported her purple "3" dress to match...

and all the kiddies went home with a purple cookie...

Later at home, we warm up and the fun continues...

hmmmm, that was good!!

The best part...Anna opens her presents!!

The Birthday Girl!

What a fun day!

but...if only it had been like the day before...GORGEOUS...

Maybe we'll try the spray park again next year..and leave the poms at home!! :-)

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Your poor Poms! They were a bit of a pain but defiantly worth it :). Everything was absolutely fabulous even though it rained. I can't believe Anna is 3 where does the time go? Can't wait for next year!! Love you all!!